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Our Books

Dedicated Educators Nurturing Bright Futures at ICET Public School

1 Grade 1-5 Name Subjects
Starshine - Cordova publications English , EVS , Maths , GK
Kaliam Patmala - Madhubun Hindi
Kanikonna- H&C publications Malayalam
Exposoft Cyber media - Exposoft IT
1 Grade 6-8 Name Subjects
Fragrance - Cordova publications English
Exploring Chemistry - Cordova publications Chemistry
Exploring Physics- Cordova publications Physics
World of History and Civics - Cordova publications History and Civics
World of Geography - Cordova publications Geography
Exploring Biology - Cordova publications Biology
Kanikkonna - H& C publications Malayalam
Madhubun saral - Madhubun educational books Hindi
Cyber Media - Exposoft IT
New guided mathematics - Oxford University press Maths

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